Do you know the marijuana laws in Spain? If you don’t know them, we’ll tell you.

¿Conoces las leyes de la marihuana en España si no las conoces te las contamos.

As well is known in Spain, a lot of marijuana is consumed but you know if you are breaking the law or not. We will explain it to you below.

To start, can I plant marijuana legally?

The current law says that it is illegal to plant marijuana as the law says in article 36, paragraph 18 which stipulates.

“The execution of acts of illicit planting and cultivation of toxic drugs, narcotics or psychotropic substances in places visible to the public, when they do not constitute a criminal offense.”

If we understand it, it indicates that it is illegal to plant in places of public view and that it could cause legal problems. However, if you plant it in places not visible to the public, whether for consumption or sharing, the legal problems could be smaller in scale.

The legal problems would be a fine ranging from 600 to 30,000 euros, in addition to losing what was grown.

So the next question would be: What marijuana is legal can I plant in Spain?

Legal marijuana would be that with THC less than 0.2%. (Tetrahydrocannabinol or THC is the psychoactive constituent of cannabis, in the end it is what makes it not give the effect of being smoked). This legal marijuana with low THC is known as CBD and you can buy it in various CBD Shops or Growshops and tobacconists throughout Spain.

As you can see, in the end you can smoke but it will not be the marijuana that most people want to smoke. In the end, you ask yourself, How can I smoke marijuana that is not CBD?

This is where cannabis clubs or associations come into play. These places are governed by their own rules and it must be taken into account that these clubs have the permits to exist, clearly following the laws.

Generally, to belong to these clubs you need to know a member who must endorse you. Therefore, if you want to join a club, do not hesitate to contact us to get a guarantee.

I hope that everything we have told you is helpful so that you take into account when you want to make your small plantation.

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