Green sugar

cannabis club

Green Sugar Weed in Barcelona

VISIT Green sugar


Monday: 5:00PM-9:00PM Tuesday- Saturday: 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM / 5:00 PM – 8:30 PM Sunday: Closed


La edad mínima para entrar al club es de 18 years old.

They are waiting for you

We are not part of the staff nor do we represent any cannabis club. The admission decision rests solely with the club, and acceptance of all applicants is not guaranteed.

How does Weedestiny work?

At Weedestiny, our priority is to provide information about the best cannabis clubs in Spain. Our team is responsible for getting to know and validating each of the establishments listed in our directory.

Joining a cannabis association requires meeting basic legal requirements, such as being of legal age and presenting identification. Check the specific rules of each club.

Cannabis dispensary near me

Find a cannabis dispensary near you using online maps or specialized apps. Check customer reviews and verify its legality to shop with confidence.

Weedclubs are private spaces where members can consume marijuana in a regulated manner. They offer privacy, quality products, and an exclusive social environment.

Check a listing of cannabis associations in your area to connect with others and access quality products. Ensure they comply with local regulations.

Smoking marijuana legally is possible in private spaces or authorized associations. Verify local laws to avoid penalties and enjoy with peace of mind.

Buy CBD near me

Looking to buy CBD near you? Find authorized stores or pharmacies offering high-quality CBD products. Verify their certifications for safe and effective options.

Discover Green sugar | Cannabis Club in Spain

Si buscas un lugar donde fumar marihuana de forma legal en España, Green sugar es tu destino ideal. Somos un club privado diseñado para ofrecerte un espacio seguro, cómodo y 100% legal para disfrutar del cannabis en un entorno relajado y amigable.

¿Why Green sugar?

  • Complies with Spanish legislation: As a cannabis association, we operate within the legal framework, ensuring that our members can enjoy cannabis safely and responsibly.
  • Exclusive and relaxed atmosphere: We design a perfect space to unwind, socialize, and enjoy, with private areas and comfortable common spaces.
  • Quality products: We guarantee access to carefully selected cannabis strains to offer you the best experience.
  • Central and discreet location: Situated in a strategic location to ensure your experience is always convenient and accessible.

How to join Green sugar?

Legality and Privacy

At Green sugar, we understand the importance of privacy. That’s why our facilities and operations are designed to ensure the discretion of our members, always respecting Spanish regulations on cannabis associations.

Legal cannabis club in Igualada

Looking for a club to smoke marijuana legally in Spain? Look no further, Green sugar is your best option. Register today and become part of our exclusive community.

Un club de cannabis, también conocido como asociación cannábica, es un espacio privado creado para proporcionar a sus socios un lugar seguro, discreto y legal para el consumo responsable de marihuana. Estos clubes operan dentro del marco legal establecido en ciertos países, como España, donde las leyes permiten el cultivo y consumo de cannabis en espacios privados siempre que se cumplan ciertas normativas.

Generalmente, los clubes cannábicos funcionan bajo un modelo de membresía, lo que significa que solo los miembros registrados pueden acceder a sus instalaciones y servicios. En un club de cannabis, los socios pueden encontrar un ambiente relajado y amigable, diseñado para fomentar la socialización entre personas que comparten intereses similares, así como acceso a diferentes variedades de cannabis de calidad, cuidadosamente seleccionadas para garantizar la mejor experiencia.

Además, muchos clubes ofrecen actividades como talleres, charlas educativas y eventos sociales para enriquecer la experiencia de sus miembros, al tiempo que promueven el consumo responsable y educan sobre los beneficios, riesgos y usos del cannabis. Estos espacios suelen ser cómodos, bien diseñados y discretos, priorizando siempre la privacidad y seguridad de sus socios. Aunque el consumo de cannabis sigue siendo un tema controvertido en muchas partes del mundo, los clubes cannábicos representan un modelo pionero que combina legalidad, responsabilidad y comunidad, permitiendo a los amantes del cannabis disfrutar de su afición en un entorno adecuado y respetuoso con la legislación vigente.

Weed associations according to the city

Depending on your location, you can choose one association or another. Weedestiny is responsible for searching and finding the best cannabis associations in each city. Below, we present the complete catalog with all the cannabis associations so you can find the nearest one.

Green leaf

Every day 4:00 PM – 0:30 AM

Hacienda verde

Monday-Sunday : 10:30am – 11:00pm


Monday-Friday: 3:00pm-10:00pm Saturday : 2:00pm-9:00pm Sunday: Closed

The best social club in Madrid, safe and legal, offering an impressive and unmatched menu, quality, and of course, a variety of food for the most enthusiastic. A club where we have billiards, PlayStation, foosball, game boards, tastings, and more.


Uluwatu Club

every day: 5:00 PM – 10:00 PM

ULUWATU CLUB es una asociación cannabica en madrid sin ánimo de lucro que tiene como principal objetivo dar una una experiencia de calidad en Villanueva de la cañada con un personal amable, una gran variedad de productos de calidad y…

Villanueva de la cañada madrid

Green sugar

Monday: 5:00PM-9:00PM Tuesday- Saturday: 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM / 5:00 PM – 8:30 PM Sunday: Closed

La Santa Boadilla

Monday -Sunday: 17:00pm- 22:00pm

Bienvenidos a La Santa, Una asociación de fumadores en Boadilla del Monte, que destaca por su ambiente seguro y respetuoso para el disfrute y educación del cannabis. Un ambiente amigable donde nuestros miembros, ya sean lúdicos o terapéuticos, tengan acceso…

badila del monte

Green Monkey

every day: 4:00pm- 12:00pm

Asociación privada de fumadores más antigua en el pueblo de Villaviciosa, te espera un club social de cannabis amplio, luminoso y espacioso. El establecimiento dispone de cómodos sofás y mesas, y ofrece una impresionante selección de actividades de ocio para…

villaviciosa de odon.

Springs comes early

Monday – Friday: 3:00pm-10:00pm Saturday : 1:00pm-8:00pm Sunday: Closed

Discover our cannabis club in Madrid near the Manuel Becerra metro station. A private, legal and safe space to enjoy cannabis responsibly. Join our community and live the best cannabis experience. Find out more now!


Green paradise

Every day: 1:00pm -11:00pm

En el emblemático parque el retiro el club de cannabis conocido por su ambiente agradable ofrece a los miembros un espacio seguro para relajarse y disfrutar de la vibrante cultura de la marihuana de la ciudad. Ofrece una experiencia social…


Kush house

Lunes a domingo 12:00 a 22:00 abiertos todos los días del año !

Barcelona has become the undisputed cannabis capital of Europe. One of the standout cannabis clubs is Kush House. It offers a unique and local atmosphere for anyone visiting this beautiful city who wants to have a unique cannabis experience while…
